Al Majmoua: Supporting Women Entrepreneurs

Al Majmoua

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“SolDevelo proved to be professional and accurate, all services were delivered on time and through a very organized and timely manner.”

George Lteif
IT Manager, Al Majmoua

Maybe money does not bring happiness, but it certainly gives a chance for personal growth and professional development. Having such prospects in life is one of the basic needs of every human being. We want to grow, create and share. We want to have an impact and make this world a better place through our ambitions. But not everyone has resources to pursue their plans and ideas.

In this article we will introduce you to our collaboration with Al Majmoua. Read on to find out how we are changing the world for and with microentrepreneurs.

Al Majmoua

Al Majmoua

Al Majmoua (The Lebanese Association For Development) is a nonprofit Lebanese microfinance institution that supports microentrepreneurs with group and individual loans, and free nonfinancial services. In Arabic al majmoua means the group. It was initially created in 1994 as a microfinance program by Save the Children to provide group loans to low-income women entrepreneurs. In 1997, it grew into a fully autonomous NGO.​

Through its network of 22 branches, Al Majmoua helps entrepreneurs unwind their businesses. The organization focuses especially on supporting women.  



Mifos is a free, open-source platform that enables financial service providers to more effectively and efficiently deliver responsible financial services to the world’s 2 billion poor and unbanked.

Learn more about Mifos and SolDevelo’s input in its development here.

Our input

We helped Al Majmoua develop and improve Mifos application for Android. We were involved in enhancing financial calculations in the microfinance component of the application. To provide its users with the best experience, we adapted the Mifos system according to the client’s wishes. 

Technologies used

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