The workplace has changed dramatically over the last couple of years. Thanks to smartphones, we can be more mobile than ever. Us and our office. Cloud storages can keep all of our files and documents, wherever we go. Our workplace now is not only in our office, but it is also everywhere now. Last minute changes to the presentation are easier than ever. We can react in real-time to the changing situation and create the best version of the report, before presenting it to the client. And this has an enormous value.
Comparison of cloud storage services.
Above you can find the comparison of the four most popular cloud storages. Thanks to this, you can choose the best solution for you and your organization. Remember, that not always option with the most available space for your files is the best one. Often you have to also look at other services that cloud drive provides for you. For example, with Google Drive you also get all the Google office applications, that are very useful for cooperative work on documents. Sometimes, you want also choose something, that is intuitive and can be quickly adopted by your coworkers. Microsoft Drive is integrated with Windows 10, so everyone who is using this system, should quickly learn how to use this cloud storage.
Why choosing cloud storage is that important? In case of all the software in the organization, we know, that people are getting very used to one solution. If they are attached to one type of software, it is going to be very hard for them to change their habits. Also moving files from one system to another can be a very time-consuming task.
Also be sure that the cloud storage you choose, have the application for the smartphones in your organization. The most popular cloud storage services have an app for Android and I-phones. But there can be a problem if you use Nokia with Windows Phone system.
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