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Great news! Our important partner – OpenMRS – was chosen as one of the Google Summer of Code 2022 mentoring organizations. Congratulations!

We had the pleasure of participating in Google Summer of Code 2021 and watching OpenMRS’ projects from close distance. It makes us even more excited for what is about to come this year. Especially, that there are new rules that allow a more diverse group of contributors to participate. They open new opportunities for talented people and amazing projects.

Google Summer of Code 2022: New Rules

We have described the new rules before, but it is very important for everyone to know about them, so here is a quick reminder:

  • Everyone that is at least 18 years old can participate. You don’t need to be a student anymore! Share your skills and passion, no matter what stage of life you are on right now.
  • You can now choose the size of your project: ~175 hour (medium) or 350 hour (large).
  • You can now extend the standard 12 weeks of time up to 22 weeks, if necessary. Flexible time of project realization will increase chances of participation for more busy people.

For more detailed information on the new changes, we recommend reading this article: New Rules in Google Summer of Code 2022.

OpenMRS as a Mentoring Organization in GSoC 2022

OpenMRS is a big, supportive community of experienced and skilled people. These characteristics make them great mentors for newcomers in the world of open-sources.

The main area of interest for OpenMRS is improving healthcare systems around the world, by providing them with medical record technology.

Currently, there are 11 projects available on this year’s list of OpenMRS’ propositions:

  1. Enable HTML Form Entry forms in OpenMRS 3.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Next Generation Implementer Tools for OpenMRS 3: Redesigned config tools for O3.

Project size: large (350 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Responsiveness & Tablet-based Needs for OpenMRS 3: Priority frontend UX changes to improve responsiveness.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Next Generation Form Builder UI for the OpenMRS Community: Ampath Form Builder replaced with a React-based module.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Redo Legacy UI Cohort Builder.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Improving 3.x E2E Tests: 3.x E2E automated tests written and ready for use.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: Automated software testing, CI/CD Pipelines, Containerized applications, Single-page applications and Micro-frontend architecture

  1. Microfrontend the OCL Module and reduce backend dependencies: OCL module functionality is available as a microfrontend.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: React, Javascript, Typescript

  1. Migrating from OpenMRS ID to KeyCloak: 
  • Potential sustainable ID system solution identified;
  • Proof of concept set up;
  • Roadmap for migrating users to the recommended OpenMRS ID system.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: DevOps, Authentication and SSO, IT Strategy

  1. Building a Testable FHIR Implementation Guide:
  • FHIR2 Module Implementation Guide with testable resource templates, example resources, and profiles;
  • Integrative testable IG fixtures with FHIR2 module integration tests;
  • Piloted the use of TestScript, TestReport, and other components of the FHIR Implementation Support Module in testing the FHIR2 module capabilities.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: FHIR

  1. SDK Support for Building the 3.x RefApp Distro.

Project size: medium (175 hours)

Required skills: Java

  1. OpenMRS Android Client Project 3.0.x.

Project size: large (350 hours)

Required skills: React, Android

Each project will be guided by its mentors and is hoped to be brought to life with the help of assigned contributors. Visit OpenMRS Wiki to learn more: Summer of Code 2022.

Now it’s time for you!

Now that the mentoring organizations are already chosen, it is time for the future contributors!

If you consider taking part in Google Summer of Code, we recommend that you first go through this list of mentoring organizations. It will help you gather information on what options you have in this year’s edition.

In order to choose your mentor wisely, you need to take some time researching mentoring organizations, learning about their projects, and getting familiar with their communities. Keep your eyes wide open and take in as much information as you can. It will help you later. And don’t be afraid to ask questions! You can learn much more through interacting with a community, than alone.

This stage of gaining knowledge and familiarizing yourself with future mentors will last until April 3rd.

From April 4th to April 19th there is the contributors’ application period when you need to submit your proposal.

Becoming OpenMRS Contributor

If you want to use your skills, broaden your knowledge and at the same time contribute to saving the lives of many people around the world, OpenMRS is the organization for you.

In order to collaborate with OpenMRS, you need to become an active participant of the OpenMRS Community first. It is also important to download a demo version of their system and get familiar with it. Another valuable piece of advice is to go through past GSoC projects conducted by OpenMRS and learn from others’ experiences.

Here is a really helpful guidance post on OpenMRS Talk that we recommend you to read: Interested Contributors, Get Ready for GSoC 2022 !

OpenMRS is a great place to start or develop your journey with Google Summer of Code. The community is lively and always willing to help. And the mission is a valuable one – spreading access to professional, integral and fast healthcare even in the most underserved parts of the world.

Read more!

OpenMRS Wiki: Summer of Code 2022
Introduction to OpenMRS: Guide for New and Curious
Google Summer of Code 2022: Timeline
Google Summer of Code 2022: Mentoring organizations
Our other posts about OpenMRS and Google Summer of Code

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