Imagine what would happen if every single one of us decided to take 1% of our time or our resources and use it to help others. How much of a good impact would we be able to achieve, if we all dedicated ourselves to the cause that we believe in?
We, as individuals, may not always be able to do that. But companies, businesses and organizations can and are doing it. In this short article we want to introduce you to the idea of Pledge 1% and the power of sharing.
Pledge 1% – what is it?
Pledge 1% is a movement of sharing. It encourages companies to use 1% of their time or resources to support a charity of their choice. The initiative is open to both small and big businesses, and creates innumerable opportunities for contributions of various kinds. There are no limits to how much you can pledge. No matter how big or small, every amount of help is appreciated.
A great aspect of pledging is that you become a part of an amazing community, full of like-minded people that are willing to support your cause. Pledge 1% members are also provided with consultations with success managers that can help them create their path of charitable impact.
What can you pledge?
It is important to recognize that different companies have different capabilities for philanthropic activities. Some of them can share their profit in the name of good, but others can not afford that, and would rather prefer to pledge in a different form.
To make this initiative as versatile as possible, there have been 4 ways of pledging created:
Pledge 1% of Equity
You can pledge either personally, as a company founder, or make a company equity pledge. It is a simple way to commit for businesses that are just starting out, and do not have many possibilities, but want to contribute to the change from the very beginning.
Pledge 1% of Employee Time
Time can be the most precious treasure that we have. Dedicating 1% of it seems to be a small commitment, but can lead to great changes. Pledging 1% of Time has many shapes and forms. It can be done in the form of some local volunteering initiative, such as cleaning up a beach, or you can encourage your employees to make good use of their professional skills pro bono. These are just a few examples of how you can pledge your and your employees’ time. There are countless other ways to do it, such as e.g. launching an intern program to help people gain skills and experience, or becoming a Pledge 1% Ambassador. There is no limit to sharing! Use your imagination and find the best way for your company to pledge its time.
Pledge 1% of Product
In case of product donation, there are also many different ways to do it. You can just share your product pro bono with an organization or a group of individuals that will find it helpful. Another way to go is to adjust your product for a chosen purpose, e.g. revamp it especially for nonprofits.
Pledge 1% of Profit
This type of donation is the most straightforward. However, In order to pledge 1% of your company’s profit, you need to first decide where your funds will go. As simple as it sounds, it might actually be a tough decision to make. Luckily, Pledge 1% provides its members with useful resources and best practices that can guide new donors through the whole process.
The power of sharing
Pledge 1% was established in 2014 by the collaboration of Salesforce, Atlassian and Rally. Since then, thousands of companies have taken the pledge, officially dedicating themselves to helping others and sharing their time, skills, products and resources philanthropically. Many interesting events came out of this commitment (e.g. Tech Week by Okta for students and jobseekers in the field of IT).
There are so many inspiring success stories provided by the Pledge 1% community that we would like to explore this topic in further. If you are interested, stay tuned for more articles!
SolDevelo Foundation’s pledge
SolDevelo Foundation has also taken the pledge. We believe in this movement and its capacity to change the world around us for the better. This initiative is exceptional, because it does not require a huge commitment. It is not Pledge 100%, not even 20%. All it requires is one single percent of our time or resources. Of course, it can be more, it can be less even. But every tiny bit of every single pledge matters. And together we are more powerful than we could have ever been alone.
Our Foundation has pledged time and product:
Pledge 1% of Time
We use our time to help other companies and organizations. Our fields of support include marketing, web designing, social media, project management, consulting, and more. We have built and designed a new website for OpenMRS. We are also partnering with OpenBoxes, and working on their marketing strategy.
Pledge 1% of Product
Our product of pledge is called EMRSCloud. It offers cloud hosting and implementation support for OpenMRS. Find out more information about this project here:
How to pledge?
If you want to become a part of this movement, it is easy to do so! Just fill out this form and wait for the materials and resources that the Pledge 1% team will send to you. They will guide you through the process of creating your pledge strategy.
We encourage everyone who can to participate in this initiative and change the world together with thousands of others!
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